Upcoming Events

Super Saturday 2024 - Prayer of a Righteous Man
Prayer of a righteous man is a humble act to enter into dialogue with our Lord.

A Man's Common Enemy
Catholic Men's Fellowship at St. Christopher's opens its doors to all men to come and hear God's strategic plan against the forces of evil.
This is an opportunity to answer the call to action. Men from all over southern California will be coming together to take part in this live event. This is a chance to become aware of the relentless ploys the evil one has against today's Catholic man, and to develop strategies to forge against the temptations of this world.
Let us recommit ourselves to fight the good fight by growing in the faith, sharing that faith in fellowship, and moving forward to spread the Good News to our families and friends
If you have thought of attending a CMF conference in the past, but have not had the opportunity to do so, then we hope to see you at this one!
Spiritual Growth
Great Talks
Holy Mass
Continental Breakfast
This conference is free for all men, but we do need you to register. To do that, please click here.

Father Larry Weekend Men's Retreat
Come see Father Larry Richards in person at the Carmelite house in Alhambra. This will be an intimate event, only 35 spots. To book yours, visit their page by clicking this link.

“Living in the Resurrection” With Deacon Saavedra
Christ has Risen ! Yes, ! He surely has Risen…. We pray you are all having a blessed Easter Season.
We are excited to invite you all to our Next Mini-Virtual Zoom Meeting. It will be this Saturday, April 24th from 8:30am to 10:30.
Our brothers at St. Bruno will be leading our Rosary and have invited Deacon Gabe Saavedra to be our guest speaker. Once again Catholic Men’s Fellowship has secured an exciting speaker who will be sharing with us about "Living in the Resurrection of our Lord”
Dn. Gabe is known for his high-spirited out-going faith, and is known for being amiable and passionate.
We look forward to having you join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 758 932 1094
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Meeting ID: 758 932 1094
Find your local number: us02web.zoom.us/u/kNbvoSS2e

Servant Leadership
Join Zoom Mini Conference
Meeting ID: 897 1900 6739
Passcode: 261062

CMF Super Saturday Conference 2020
Join us for our annual men’s conference in Southern California. This event is hosted at a different church each year and draws hundreds of men from throughout the region.

St Hilary's Men's Conference
Come and enjoy this event made especially for you.
Enjoy morning Mass, prayer, fellowship, inspiring speakers and testimonies, delicious food, raffle, and music.
Receive special blessings, and much more!
For more information please call (323) 602-9796. Purchase your $5 ticket at catholicmen.org