Catholic Men's Fellowship is a lay ministry, fully approved by the Church, that since 1991 has been reaching out to all Catholic men to encourage them to strengthen their faith in Christ and to become better sons, brothers husbands, fathers and friends.
Our Seven Principles
Be a Man for Jesus
We surrender ourselves to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We honor Him through the rich sacramental life of the Church and obedience to God's Word as revealed in Sacred Scripture and articulated by the living Tradition of the Church.
Be a Man of Forgiveness and Discipline
We strengthen our families and relationships through forgiveness and love as called for by the Scriptures.
Be a Man for Others
We reach out, creating vital relationships with other men, recognizing the need for support and accountability in keeping our commitment to Christ and the Church.
Be a Man of Prayer and Responsibility
We encourage one another to be men of prayer. We pray daily for others. We give God praise and thanksgiving as we prayerfully seek to discern God's will for our lives.
Be a Man on a Mission
We commit ourselves to changing the world by proclaiming the Gospel through a lifestyle and public witness that embodies Jesus; we build up the "Body of Christ."
Be a Man of Integrity
We strive daily to live out the moral demands of our Christian faith and the call to be men of integrity.
Be a Man of Humility and Love
We reach out beyond all racial, cultural, or denominational barriers to men and women of all ages and walks of life, demonstrating the power of unity it Christ and the Church.
Why CMF?
Brothers in Arms
Our Catholic Christian faith cannot be lived in isolation. We all need our brothers to help point each other home.
We are men under spiritual construction and thus we are all "spiritual works in progress." By gathering in faith, we help one another move forward on the spiritual path.
Men need a safe space where we can openly discuss spiritual matters and have dialogue with like-minded men.
Surrendering to Christ
Christian men must surrender ourselves to Christ if His will for us is to work in our daily lives. CMF assists in reminding us of this daily surrendering.
CMF encourages us to become more Christ-like influences in our families, friendships, parishes, communities and the world that God has called us to help influence and transform.
Finding Clarity
In a world of negotiable values, confused identities, distorted priorities, false hopes and empty promises, CMF encourages and supports men as we strive to be the best men that we can possibly be.
CMF helps men get connected with other men who seek to know, love and serve the Lord. We seek, as part of a fellowship, to discern and live out God's calling in our lives and our lay vocations.