Chapters & Affiliates Throughout California

Where on God’s Green Earth You Can Find Us

The map below is a high-altitude look at all our chapters in California. For much more details about any of these chapters, please scroll down below the map.

An overview of all the Catholic Men’s Fellowship chapters. Use the map above to locate a chapter near you, then scroll this page down to get more details on that chapter.


St Denis

Diamond Bar

We are about 20 men strong on average. Our meetings are on the last Saturday of every month, from 8am to 10am, in Room A of Potthoff Hall at St Denis. We serve a hot breakfast of eggs, waffles, sausage, etc., a pot luck provided by our guys, no charge and no obligation.

We include prayer, music, Scripture and topic discussions at every meeting. For a little bonus time with the Lord, consider attending Mass in the church at 7:30am and coming over to our meeting afterward.

Our Website


St Mary’s

El Centro

Our meetings are every Thursday evening at 6pm. We are a small group currently conducting bible study sessions on Thursdays. We completed the book of James and started the Gospel of Matthew this past January.

At our meetings we discuss the upcoming week's gospel and reflect on the past week's gospel as well. We try to incorporate bible studies or respond to questions about the Catholic faith. All meetings begin and end with prayer.

Please contact Anthony Green or Joe Picazo Jr for more information.


St Hilary’s

Pico Rivera

Our group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening of every month, at 7pm. Our meeting is in a very warm setting. Many men have been coming for many years and we have a very spiritual setting with men who will welcome you with kindness. Our strong point is having high quality meetings that are enriched with Holy Spirit and love.

Our typical meeting agenda includes prayer, a clean joke, a topic presentation, teaching on a Saint, group questions, and more prayer, individually and together as a group.

Please contact Manny Marquez for more information.


St Timothy’s

Laguna Nigel

We meet every Saturday morning in the Fireside Room from 8-9. It is generally comprised of about 16-18 like-minded Catholic men who are wanting to learn more about their faith and their spirituality. Men make great friends in Christ and look forward to each Saturday as an important part of their life.

We are book study based. Different discussion questions and topics are derived from the book to generate sharing and discussion. We change book subjects to include various study topics such as spirituality development, theology, bible study, Lectio Divina, Catholic catechesis, cultural mores and Catholicism, etc.

We hold annual "retreats" both on-sight and other locations. We have been meeting since 1988. Our group is blessed to have a pastor that attends our meetings which the men really appreciate.

For more information please contact Bill Kinsey or Paul Steen.


St Patrick’s


Our typical meetings are about 15 men and we meet Monday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in Rooms 3 & 4 in the St Patrick's parish hall.

We begin our gathering of men with prayer for healing and prayer for the Holy Spirit's direction in our lives. We study the upcoming Sunday Scripture, along with reflection on the historical and contemporary effects of the scripture.

Our group also runs an annual retreat for men, well attended and a wonderful getaway to grow closer to God.

Click Here to Visit Our Website

You can contact Chris Walker for more information.


San Francisco Solano

Rancho Santa Margarita

We normally meet twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 9pm. Dinner is served (usually pizza), We proclaim and discuss the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday, then we present our topic for the month, sometimes from an outside speaker, and we discuss current events and announcements. Of course we begin and end every meeting with prayer.

We also meet every Monday night at church to pray the rosary from 6:30pm to 7pm. We have an annual Angels Baseball outing for members & family and a “Post Christmas Party” in January for members & spouses. We also have an annuals CMF Fantasy Football League.

There are no charges for the above; we rely totally on donations. For more information please click here to email Chris O’Connor, Steve Haas, or Mike Bula.


Sacred Heart

Palm Desert

Our meetings are every Tuesday from 10am-1130, from October through May. We’re here to support and help each other in getting closer to Christ and to growing in our faith. Our typical meeting starts with prayer and then we proclaim and reflect upon the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday.

For more information please contact Armando Hernandez or Bill Beldon.


St Louise de Marillac


We meet in the multi-purpose room every Thursday evening doors open @ 6:30. Rosary begins 6:45 all our meetings include The Rosary, Scripture reflection, dialogue, prayer, testimony, and fellowship.

On the first and third Thursday of the month we serve dinner and have a speaker, on the second and fourth Thursdays we have refreshments, dessert and a Scripture reflection on the upcoming Sunday's Readings.

There is no meeting on any 5th Thursday of a month.

For more information please visit our website or email Francisco Munoz


Santiago de Compostela

Lake Forest

Our group of men meets weekly for one hour on Saturday mornings at 7:00 am, in the Santiago Room, Parish Hall. Typically these are attended by around a dozen men and our fellowship centers around discussing the Gospel of the day. Men talk about their spiritual journey and how they are developing as spiritual leaders in their families.

We also present quarterly events throughout the year featuring guest speakers. These events are open to all parishioners and often feature talks by local priests and members of the laity.

For more information please email Barry Lamont or Bill Stegall.


St Kateri Tekakwitha

Santa Clarita

We meet on the second Saturday of the month in Lily's Restaurant at 9:30 AM for spiritual reflection followed by breakfast. Our objective is to develop a better understanding and appreciation for the Sunday readings.

The meeting starts with a reflection based on the readings for the upcoming Sunday, which encourages discussion of the spiritual topics contained there. Then we move the discussion to any topics that are on the minds of the men, generally related to the three parishes in the Santa Clarita Valley. The discussion breaks for breakfast when it arrives, and continues afterwards. We close the meeting with prayer about 11:00 AM.

For more information please email Arthur Brown or Ken Kolt.


Our Lady of Grace
Old Sacred Heart Chapel


Our meetings are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. 381 W. Center St. Covina Ca. 91723 They are all about praying and sharing the struggles we face every day. Doors open at 6:30, then we pray a Rosary at 6:45, all are welcome. We proclaim our purpose, share a meal, share a talk and then in small groups, and finally offer up intentions and pray for anyone needing it.

For more information please call Danny Chavira, Gus Corona, or Tony Diaz.


Our Lady of Guadalupe


We meet the 3rd Saturday morning of every month from 6:00-7:30am. We begin with breakfast and fellowship, then welcome a guest speaker for our primary topic of discussion. That covers most of our time and then we will close with the fellowship’s petitions and a closing prayer.

We also host a popular annual Men's Night Retreat during the Fall Season, which is held outdoors and is an all-nighter. This event always appears on this CMF website, too.

For more information please contact Oscar Zubrian.


St Catherine of Alexandria


Our group meets twice a month to discuss topics related to our faith. Our meetings usually last about 1 -1/2 hours.

Before the meeting, a facilitator chooses a topic already written about by noted Catholic scholars like Maurice Blumberg or The Word Among Us. Then we discuss how that topic is applicable in our lives.

For more information please contact Al Lara, Robert Lucero, or John P. Holloway.


San Gabriel Mission

San Gabriel

Men of Promise is a Catholic men's ministry based at San Gabriel Mission Parish in an Gabriel, California. We are affiliated with Catholic Men's Fellowship of California and the National Fellowship of Catholic Men. We were founded in 1997 in response to the desire of Catholic men of our parish to gather in fellowship in order to deepen, enrich, and nurture our Catholic faith. Although we are a parish-based ministry, we welcome men from all parishes and Christian denominations who desire to participate in masculine spirituality in the Roman Catholic tradition. We meet on the first and third Saturdays of most months after the 8AM Mass (8:30-ish) from 8:30 AM to 10:15 AM. Arrive late or leave early as circumstances necessitate for you.

We gather for fellowship, coffee, and donuts upon arrival. After brief hellos, we recite our opening prayers, sing a hymn, and read aloud the next day's (Sunday's) readings. Our meetings often launch into in depth discussions of the Mass readings, but the Holy Spirit sets our agenda, and we just as often discuss a personal topic brought forward by someone in need of encouragement, advice, support, and prayer. We are not a therapy group, a twelve-step program, or a venue for venting, but we come open to the needs of our brothers for holy discussion guided by the Holy Spirit and fraternal love.

For more information please contact Dan Acosta


St John the Evangelist


Established in 2001.

Until the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, we will continue to meet on ZOOM at 7:00am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Every Mo & Fr - Zoom Fellowships 7:00 -7:30 am - Discuss Daily Church Readings

Every Wed - Zoom Rosary 7:00 - 7:30 am

Every 2nd Monday Evening of the month - Zoom Sharing of the Catholic Catechism

Every 2nd & 4th Sunday evenings of each month - Zoom Bible Study Book at 7:00 pm (Ongoing Bible Study of a particular New Testament Writing) Completed Matthew and John.

Our In-person-Fellowship meetings, (Subject to Covid or other Restrictions) For 21 years, at the Parish Campus, we have met every 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 - 7:50 am. and every third Wednesday evening of each month 7:00 - 8:15 pm (Excluding Covid Restrictions)

All men are welcomed. Onward and upward in Christ Jesus


You can also contact Keith Cox or David Pavnic.


Our Lady of Guadalupe


Our Group meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 7:30pm to 9:00pm at the Bronco Billy’s Pizzeria 41200 Blakcow Rd. in Fremont

We also have monthly men breakfasts with different guest speakers at the Bronco Billy's Pizzeria in Fremont on the 3rd Saturday, starts at 8:00am to 9:30am

A typical meeting is always a friendly fellowship atmosphere. We start off with worship and prayer and then move into the topic with dialogue. We serve coffee and doughnuts at every meeting.

Our Chapter exists to inspire men to follow Jesus Christ and fearlessly change the world. We don't have all the answers and none of us are perfect, but we are about encouraging to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of our lives: Challenging each to be a man of God in his home, work place, parish and community.

We meet to grow through our Catholic faith with ongoing formation teachings through bible studies (currently learning the Gospel of Mark through the Church Fathers), apologetics, and different men's faith topics on spiritual growth.

For more information please contact John Martinez, Ken Marron, or Augustin Maldonado.


Our Lady of Fatima

San Clemente

Our group meets on the second Saturday morning of the month, at 7am at the church.

Read the readings of the next day (Sunday Mass), tee up a discussion question of the week, and say a rosary, time permitting.

Contact Al Ortiz for more information.


St Joseph

La Puente

We meet weekly on Thursday’s 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Oratory across the street from the Church.

Our purpose is to encourage men to become daily followers of Christ. Our mission is to help men renew their minds and transform their hearts and lives for Christ.

This prayer group can help us men be better husbands, fathers, sons, brothers and neighbors. I’d like to invite all men to join us on every Thursday at 6:30pm.

Please contact

Christopher Noone, Ralph Martinez, or Daniel Larioza

for more information.

You can also visit their website


St Bruno


The Catholic Men’s Fellowship is open to all men seeking support and fellowship in living and growing in the life of Christian men.

The Fellowship meets twice a month; once on the first Saturday of the month, after the 8:00 AM Mass and again on Wednesday evenings at 7:30.

Our meetings consist of prayer, Scripture and topic discussions at every meeting.

For more information please contact Dave Zofrea.


St Joseph’s


We meet every Tuesday evening from 6:45 to 8:45pm





Please email Edgar Mendoza for details


St Mary of the Assumption


Meetings on the 1st Saturday of the month at 7AM and the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7PM

We invite all men seeking to grow in faith, prayer, and accountability in keeping our commitments to Christ, Church, and Family.

With the inclusion of the Holy Spirit, we help each other to grow in virtue and faith by praying together, reflecting on Holy Scripture, listening to one another’s testimony, and discussing where we are in our personal walks.

Contact Matt Miller for more information.


St John the Baptist

Baldwin Park

We meet every Tuesday in the Teacher’s Lounge at 7:00pm. We have lectio divina, bible study, talks, praise/worship, and fellowship nights out. All men are welcome.

We start at 7p with a rosary. Then we review the 7 principles of a CMF followed by a snack/meal with fellowship. We then have our main topic for the night (talk, lectio, bible study) and then end the night with prayer intentions.

For more information please contact
Ricardo Rafael Hernandez


San Antonio de Padua


That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of a man fully alive.

By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.

We meet every Sunday morning at 6:30am. Our typical meeting starts off with breakfast, then an introduction to the day’s topic, a video, breakout group discussions and finally closing announcements. We finish at 8am.

For more information please contact
Rich Pintang and Deacon Russ Milspaugh


Saint Louis de Montfort

Santa Maria

Catholic Men who desire to do God’s well. Through prayer, studying and doing Gods word, and fellowship.

We meet every 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:45am.

Our meetings consist of announcements, rosary, and discussion of Gods values.

For more information please contact:
Ivan E Wilkins, Thomas O'Malley, and Art Garcia


Sacred Heart CMF


We meet Every 4th Saturday of the month from 6:30am to 8:00am.

Each meeting starts and ends with prayer. A topic is shared by a guest speaker, then the attendees are invited to participate in an open discussion about the topic.

Breakfast is also provided (no cost).

Men of all ages are invited for prayer and fellowship!


For more information please contact
Alfonso Araujo 661-333-2092
Cesar Sandoval 661-699-7723


St Francis CMF


We meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00am.

Men of all ages gather the 2nd Saturday for fellowship and prayer. Each meeting, a topic is presented by a guest speaker. The topic is then shared in open dialogue with the group.

Breakfast is also provided (no cost).

Men of all ages are invited! Join us!

For more information please contact

Randy Ariey


St Joseph CMF


We meet on the first Saturday of every month.

Men of all ages, come together for prayer, fellowship and food!

Each meeting begins and ends with prayer. In between, a topic is shared by a guest speaker. The topic is then shared amongst the group of men.

Our CMF group at St. Joseph also supports the parish and occasionally donates to local charitable organizations.

For more information please contact:
Manuel or Marciano Flores (661) 304-3252


Our Lady of Grace

Maricopa, Arizona

We meet every Tuesday night at 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We also have a breakfast given with a testimony and a teaching every other month in the church. 8:00am to 10:30am. We are planning in the future to have a men's conference each year. We have over 40 men that are registered to our fellowship

Our weekly men's fellowship meetings have formational teachings. We have Bible studies, “Into the Breach” episodes from the Knights of Columbus, we do testimonies of men's lives that have changed, Consecration to Saint Joseph, etc.

Every meeting we start with five decades of Holy Rosary, then a teaching or talk, we break up into discussion groups, praying for each other and end with prayer.

Bi-monthly breakfast: We start off with prayer, a hearty breakfast with a testimony then we end it with a teaching. Starts at 8:00am to 10:30am.

For more information please contact the core team:
John Martinez, Jason White and Bill Butler

Affiliate Groups


St. Peter & St. Paul

Alta Loma

We hold a men's prayer breakfast the second Saturday of every month from 8:30 to 10:00 AM. It is a time for men to join for fellowship and faith with brothers in Christ. All men are invited to join.

Coffee will be ready by about 8:10 AM, so come early to catch up with your brothers!

A $5 donation at the event is suggested to cover the food costs, but certainly not required. Please sign up here so we can let our Kitchen Crew know you are coming!

Visit the group’s website here

Men normally start arriving at 8:10 AM to enjoy a cup of coffee and catch up with friends. We sing an opening song at 8:30 AM and then pray, and serve breakfast. After breakfast, we start a program which normally lasts about 45 minutes, and we end at 10:00 AM. It is a perfect way to start your weekend!

For more information please contact:
Mike Fermin and Deacon Louie Chanco


St. Juliana Falconieri


We meet twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 7pm, to learn and discuss our faith. Our goal is to set our hearts on fire with the Holy Spirit and to let the Lord inform all that we do as Fathers, Sons, Husbands, Brothers, and Witnesses to the Faith in our greater community. We delve into various topics around apologetics, the depth of the Catholic Faith, and finding answers to the questions that burn on our hearts.

Our meeting consists of a welcome, general check-in and an opening prayer. We will then do a presentation of our main topic, which will vary each month, and have a free-ranging discussion of it and how we can integrate it into our daily lives, always bringing our internal focus and external actions closer to our true calling in Christ.

New visitors to the church, we meet in the Seven Holy Founders Room (upstairs, behind the gym and parish office).

For more information please contact
Michael Boyajian