Beginning Our Journey

Blessed Lent brothers,

Well, here we go! Our journey with our Lord is in full swing, this is the beginning of our first full week into the desert. What will it bring? Well if you are serious about your fasting, prayer, almsgiving and devotions it will bring about temptation and testing by our enemy the devil.

The devil and his minions are here to drag us down! It’s their job, so don't take it personal. When we journey with Our Lord we can expect nothing less than harassment. Our battle is against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, this is the devil and his cohort’s. Eph. 6:12

We must "Be not Afraid” have faith in the one who goes before us Jesus himself. Satan and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven leaving two-thirds and our very own guardian angel to engage with us in battle. Remember Jesus has been tempted as we are except without sin. He became like us to show us the way to salvation. Heb. 4:16. Jesus says "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me.” Mt. 16:24

To come to Christ is to come after Him. To take up our cross is to take upon us His yoke, yet it is easy because it is His yoke, and He makes it easy. Still it does not cease to be a yoke, and it is troublesome and distressing because it is a yoke!

(St. John Henry Newman) The Tears Of Christ Meditations for Lent.

I pray you will all take a couple of short hours early Saturday Morning and join us for our Monthly Mini conference follow the link on our Home Page.


The Good Shepherd’s Crook and staff


Entering The Desert With Christ