God of Hope


“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

I am not a blogger by any stretch of the imagination, my wife Vicki tells me my emails sound more like I’m having a one on one conversation. All that being said, here I go.

I was looking forward to 2021 being a breath of fresh air. I found out quickly that it was not to be. Another good friend had passed of Covid-19 and a cousin lost her Grandfather, not to mention my wife’s Aunt and Uncle passing within a week of each other, and fellow co-workers catching the virus. 2021 has begun where 2020 left off.

When the pandemic hit early last year I was one who wasn’t quite sure how or what to believe. So many different ideas about what, how, when and where this virus came from, not to mention how dangerous or contagious it was. I have always been a man who confesses his faith with zeal and conviction, prepared to make a defense for the hope that is within me (1 Pet. 3:15). Unfortunately not always with the gentleness I would wish for.

Early on as my faith would have it, I placed a Divine Mercy holy card at the corner of my doorpost and have kept a blessed candle lit on our porch since the very beginning of the pandemic. I also did the Blessing of the Home and Household on Epiphany, writing over the doorpost “20+C+M+B+21” praying that God would Bless all who live, enter and exit our home. Some would call this superstition; I look at it as my confession of hope that lies deep within me. Fortunately no one in our home has been infected with the virus. You see, I believe in the power of sacramentals.

No I don’t believe God loves me any more or any less than anyone else, although I hold tight to the faith that we as a family are children of God, and our savior Jesus is our brother. I will continue to have hope and trust in God in good season and bad, knowing that all that we go through is only to bring us closer to the one who loves us most. I know we may not see it now, but out of our of affliction always comes a greater good. I pray you and your family has had a better start to 2021.

In the Book of Job Chapter 19 Job has been afflicted to no end, but even after all the pain and sorrow he has gone through in verse 25 he exclaimed “For I know my Redeemer lives, and at last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then from my flesh I shall see God.” Boy, I can only pray I can have a faith like our brother Job. I have not even begun to suffer like him.

There is hope in all of this, I have had many friends and family that have not lost their lives to the virus. I believe it’s true as it says in the Word of God that there is a season for everything, Weeping, laughing, mourning and dancing, living and even dying. I believe there is an appointed time for all of us to see God face to face and none of us know when that time is. If today you hear His voice harden not your heart. Let us all prepare to meet Jesus face to face for we know not the day or the hour.

I pray that our Lord Jesus have mercy upon us and the whole world, healing us of the affliction which is upon us. God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never parish. Ps. 9:18

Lord , I maintain my hope in You and hold fast to the assurance that You are faithful. Your word promises “ no good thing does He withhold from those that walk uprightly" Ps. 84:11 I wait upon You to come to the assistance of the children which you hold close to your heart. Jesus I trust in You! Amen. Jesus I Trust In You !


My name is Gilbert Alderete I have been involved with Catholic Men’s Fellowship for about 4 years. I am the prime example of what the Apostle Paul meant when he said “ Where Sin abounds Grace abounds all the more.” I am the current President of CMF and am humbled to be in such a position. I guess God saw it fitting to once again use a Donkey to proclaim His Gospel.


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