Discovering The Familiar
Sign of Jonah
We all know the saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.” in todays Gospel, Jesus’ contemporaries were in that situation regarding Jesus Himself. He had already worked miracles, and His preaching and holiness of life were totally exceptional. Yet, some of his followers were not satisfied, and Jesus had a harsh rebuke for them, as they ask for yet more signs.
It is all to easy for us to fall into this same attitude with our faith. Instead of appreciating the riches conserved in the tradition of the Church, many still look for extraordinary signs. The Beatitudes, or the Gospel accounts of Jesus rising people from the dead might seem boring, as we hear and read about them year after year, but private revelation and possible apparitions capture our imagination and attention.
Lent is a good time to go back to the basics, and re-encounter Our Lord in the Scriptures and most especially in The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass as if for the first time. Are you simply going to Mass, or are you Praying the Mass? Truth being told there is a difference.