After the Battle Comes a Crown.
“Pray for us O’ Holy Mother of God that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ”
The Great St. Padre Pio writes a letter as a spiritual director, to one under is direction that in this life we will face many battles. He writes; After the battle comes a crown, and the more conflicts the soul has, the more victory palms there will be. Knowing that there is a new level of eternal glory for every victory won, why then, my very beloved son, are you not rejoicing that you are engaged in winning so many battles the course of your life? Let this thought comfort you, and let the example of your divine Master spur you on, for he was “one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning.” Heb. 4:15 and he was tempted to the point of exclaiming, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matt. 27:46
Do not listen to or believe the enemy when he tells you God has rejected you or that God is punishing you for some hidden unfaithfulness and is wanting to chastise you to remove it from your soul. That is not the least bit true. When a soul grieves and fears offending God, it does not offend him and is far from doing so. Pio May, 17, 1918