Catholic Men's Fellowship of California

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“Good Morning Jesus”

“Good Morning Jesus. Thank you Jesus for a good night’s rest.”

This is a simple prayer that begins my day. Practicing early morning prayer is a Spiritual workout. There are many movements of the heart that are being challenged and restored. These offerings are to Abba Father; Praying and asking for the same conviction to give thanks and praise at the end of the evening prior to going to sleep. At times, it’s the Holy Rosary of our Blessed Mother, or a Divine Mercy Chaplet.

As a member of Catholic Men’s Fellowship, I have been called to read our Purpose, Mission Statement and review the 7 Principles daily, not just reading these foundations of CMF, but going out and demonstrating them in my daily walk with our Lord.

We have an abundance of prayers available in Sacred Scripture, Holy Mass, devotionals, booklets, etc. Let us renew ourselves “transforming our hearts and renewing our minds for Jesus Christ.”(Romans 12:2) by making a daily offering of prayer to Him who loves us more than we can ever imagine. Let us “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all else will be added unto us.” Matt. 6:33

May our Lord continue to Bless Catholic Men’s Fellowship, Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry. Asking this all in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus.

Your Brother in Christ, Chris Noone

Chris Noone is a core team leader and member of Catholic Men’s Fellowship. Writing this after listening to the Men of Faith Radio program on